Priorities Vision & Mission 2014 - 2018
- Renewal at all levels by accompanying and encouraging the Sisters as a mentor to take up personal responsibility for one's life according to the charism and spirituality of our congregation.
- Living out the Gospel values in all our ministries which in turn would promote genuine vocation.
- Formation of young Sisters to take up servant leadership at all levels.
- Building up witnessing communities through effective communication and animation of communities.
- Attentiveness to the well-being of the Sisters in all aspects of life; priority given to the vulnerable within the province especially the ageing.
Mission Statement
By attentive and responsive listening to the Spirit in contemplation we are transformed and impelled to promote life and foster witnessing communities by being a 'graced companion' to all, especially to the most vulnerable
The values that are needed to live this mission statement:
- Attentiveness to the promptings of the Spirit
- Dependence on God
- Total availability and generosity
- Commitment and dedication
- Loyalty and openness to one another
- A 'graced companion' to all
- Strong team spirit
- Acceptance and respect for one another
- Spirit of discernment
- Knowledge of the province
Visibility to the mission statement symbolically

Significance of the Symbol
God is symbolized as the farmer. The mission is depicted as the yoke and the members of the team are the oxen. The field denotes the province.
Explanation of the SymbolThe Mission is in the hands of God. All that we need to do is to cooperate with God, follow His instructions and take the path which God intents us to take. In order to produce good harvest, the farmer needs to plough the field and sow the seeds. Harrowing is painful but that is required for a good crop. The province has everything that is required to produce fruits in abundance.
Vision statement
Being contemplatives we promote communion and reach out to all in compassion.
Mission Statement
Recommitting ourselves to the love of God and nurturing integrated life style, we grow in communion with one another in our communities/ province and discern creatively for mission