Newly Professed Sisters: Jobita, Promila, Tamanna & Mary Grace
Procession before the Eucharist
Novices being received into the Church
Novices Pronouncing the Vows
Readings, Prayer of the faithful & Vote of thanks
Prostration during the Litany of All Saints
Sisters receiving the Cross from Archbishop Anil Couto
Sr. Teresa Attupuram (Provincial ) giving the Cross with chain to the Newly Professed
The Newly Professed Sisters Offering themselves
Newly Professed Sisters performing arati at Doxology
Newly Professed Sisters with Provincial
Newly Professed Sisters with Bishop Anil Couto, Parish Priest and Sr. Teresa Attupuram
Newly Professed cutting the cake after the Eucharist
Newly Professed Sisters with the Community
Prayer on the eve of the Profession
Sr. Teresa Attupuram, the Provincial handing over the uniform sari after the prayer
Bishop Anil, Fr. Periyanayakam & Sr. Teresa being received into the Church for the Eucharist
Novices to be professed with Provincial Sr. Teresa Attupuram
Sisters at Sangrur taking care of the nature
2019 SCJM Delhi Province